DID YOU KNOW that wild strawberries can be yellow? woooow. weird. cool! :)
Yesterday, Owls came to Jamaa! yay! you can buy them in the diamond shop for ten diamonds, members only- at least that's my guess. I haven't seen any non-members with them, and all the new animals lately are members-only-ten-diamonds... wish I could get one. meh :3
there are many, many things that I have a serious problem with on animal jam, but I will list just a few here, as I need something to fill my post.
Those people that call you a scammer. for no reason. they are clearly misusing the word. like, once someone was doing an account giveaway- and everyone was just shouting "pick me pick me!" and there was no contest or anything, the owner just picked someone randomly, and then another person shouted "Don't trust her shes a scale" and I'm just like....... umm..... he picked a completely random person. why are you even trying.
or when someone doesn't give you something for free just because they want it and then they call you a scammer when you don't give it up. umm..... I'm just a little confused here.
I also don't like the roleplayers who say "bites neck no miss" all the time and "leaps and claws and pulls to ground and makes dead no miss" all the time, and then when you simply say "leaps at no miss" ONCE, they call you a power-player.
riiiight. I'M the powerplayer. lol :P
and what about the people who refuse to believe anything? twenty people get hacked by Fman122. they say "he's just a troll, and I guess all those people got hacked are trolls too" and walk away. fifty people get hacked. they themselves get hacked. they say it's a glitch.
right..... a glitch. okie then.
or those people that assume things without information. like, I say "free code giveaway my den!" because, what I'm ACTUALLY planning, is to go to my den and say a gem code to everyone for free. but some people sometimes assume things, without knowing all the details, which led to someone calling me a "scale" when I did this (I admit, it sounds like a scam to most jammers, but they should ask what I'm at least doing first).
and we've all met the following friends. those buddies who follow you everywhere and never let you get a moment to yourself and always want to do stuff with you all the time and don't leave you alone for a moment. once, on a tutorial website, on "how to make buddies on animal jam" one of the tips was "follow them everywhere to make sure you don't get lost".
that's not going to help, people. let me tell you this straight out. a friend may want to follow you, but do not follow a friend- it gets seriously annoying eventually to some people.
and the rude people. the people who blurt out something from the top of their head, like "why do you look so ugly" or "eww, is that a top hat? that's for boys!" or "omg scale I report u get away from me bully meanie you are so rude go" without thinking first (or sometimes thinking last) and overreacting. drama queens and rudeness follow AJ everywhere it goes.
phew. I'm sure you've all met at least one of those people. if you've forgotten:
the powerplayer
the stubborn-not-believing-it-jammer
the assumer
the follower
the rude-doesn't-think-before-typing-jammer
the drama queen
,maybe you could sympathize with me...... in the comments...... by typing a comment....... and posting it......... *hint hint*
Jayfeather's mission 10: this one is shared fully
as always, Jam on!
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