Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Code Wednesday and Cabin Fever

CODE WEDNESDAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! who here loves using it's just so fun! I didn't get to play Sky High with Nyan, though- too glitchy :(
the code is WINTER! enter code Winter for 500 gems, I think. if it doesn't work, or I've already said this one, please comment below so I can fix it :)
today I am a seashell- and at least a thousand years old, because I've spent the last nine hundred years at least listening to my sister talk. and since seashells can't pick up duct tape, I was forced to just listen. and tomorrow I will be a day old pie, because I like pie. :P
yep, I'm random. SPEAKING OF RANDOM, does anyone here watch RainbowTheCatAJ videos? she is the meaning of random. I cannot stop laughing. seriously.
I have FIFTY ONE pageviews now! thank you, everyone- thank you! as always, I LOVE COMMENTS! :3
now, I am going to check my inbox. if I have any comments, I will give a shout-out gladly- so let's check it out....
aww :( nothing there! now I'm a sad thousand-year-old seashell :P
I love winter. And I also hate winter. I mean, it's just.... it's both an amazing, wonderful land of shining, soft, fluffy white, an excuse to stay inside with hot chocolate and a million Warriors books, AND five months of nothing but cold, bleak yards and being cooped up inside. I have Cabin Fever- plus, I'm home-schooled, which makes it twenty times worse because I can't even get outside to go to school. and any out-of-home stuff is usually canceled because of the SNOW.
well......... at least I can phone friends.... when the lines aren't down or we don't have a black-out from the snow.
That might be why I'm going on AJ more. I can get out of the house and talk to someone that isn't my sister or my parents..... and I don't even have to put on my boots :P
but seriously,  I'm sick of this. I wish winter was only a month, and the extra two months could go to summer- although the snow lasts for more like six months anyways.
DID YOU KNOW that surgeons sometimes use SEA CORAL to replace human bones? wow. cool! not like I would want to have coral in my bones myself, but it's still cool :P
and........ time for Jayfeather..... *falls asleep on keyboard* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... I want summer back. please comment, it would make my day. I'm not kidding. and maybe it could offer some relief from Cabin Fever, too ;)
what was I talking about again? oh, yeah, Jayjazzzzzzzzzzz.........
*jerks awake* ah, man. *grumbles under breath* I wouldn't be tired if it was summer....
Jayfeather's mission 8
and now time to wrap it up so I can go outside and attempt to play. well, at least it's sunny. my mom says that a few days ago, the cat got out, and to get back in my mom called him and he sort of swam through the snow to get back to the door. o_O woah. that's snowy.
Jam... Onzzzzzz.....

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