Saturday, February 14, 2015


Happy Valentines day, everyone! I, for one, have two boxes of chocolate from my sister and my dad, so I'm pretty much set, since I'm "too young" (AKA not caring) to have any crushes :P
So, while I make myself sick with CHOCOLATE POWER!!!!!!!! I will type up an apology for the fact I'm lagging. I don't mean my computer (although that's going on too), I mean my posts. this is supposed to be daily.
not weekly.
DID YOU KNOW that I have a YOUTUBE CHANNEL? It's all about AJ. just type in "Cinderblaze Fireymoon" (not my real name, guys! my AJ account is Cinderblaze380, Blossom Fireymoon, so it's just from that) and I should come up!
I just made my channel recently, and I need some editing help.... so, if you have any tips, you can add them. I figured out how to add cool music, so at least that's settled! :)
Anyways. as a special Valentines day treat, I'm uploading a "friendship day party" video! it takes place in my den, over here:
stay tuned! I'll upload soon!
UPDATE: I finished filming! it's basically a small tour of the den (as in me running around in circles), me getting jammers and the jammers saying hi, and then a party where we all totally goof off. about a quarter of the thing was actually filmed, and the rest is a mystery to you guys that SHALL NEVER KNOW *evil laugh*
anyways.... so check out my stuff! by the way, if any of you like my blog and want me to post a link to YOUR blog, I can totally do that. anyways......
Valentines day party AJ here's the video!
did I post this, on the last post? I probably did...... Jayjay 13 yeah, I ran out of spare chapters. I gotta write more or I will totally have failed you! *wails*
okie dokie :)
so sorry for this being so short, AGAIN. I have to go. bye! and JAM ON!

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