Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Hellooooo jammers! today is CODE WEDNESDAY! yay! okay, so, the code is: *drumroll please*
Outback. just enter Outback in that little code box and you get 500 gems!
Two words: FALLING PHANTOMS. my favorite game on AJ. look up my username (Cinderblaze380) and look at the achievements. It's covered in falling phantoms trophies! I can win over 1500 gems in one sitting from that game! here are some tips.
Do you want to be that jammers that seems to be able to magically dodge any phantom in the universe? you've come to the right place.
Try standing in one spot, with fingers on the arrow keys, ready to dart. you can spend up to the first half a minute in one spot if the phantoms don't get to it! but PAY ATTENTION. you must FOCUS as hard as you can. and if one comes your way........ RUN!
I also am very skilled in the art of Multi-phantom-circles. You do this by getting a trillion phantoms on your trail and running in a circle so you just have a giant purple phantom cloud, like this:

see? simple. this is best to do when you're very experienced and your computer loads really fast.
did you guys know that when you reach level 8, you have FOUR lives instead of three? wow, cool (I'm level eight).
Sorry for this being so short, but...... I gotta wrap it up. Did you know that....... an Ostrich egg is the same amount of "egg stuff" as TWO DOZEN chicken eggs. wowowowowow.
TIME. FOR. JAYFEATHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember how Jayfeather forgot that Squirrelflight had been spying (Breezepelt's memory potion) on him? well, he did just that- forgot- and now he's clueless.
Jayfeather's mission 13
If I ever make ANY MISTAKES AT ALL, you can COMMENT *hint hint!!!!!!* and I can FIX THEM and I do NOT HAVE COMMENTS and I really would LIKE some comments! freaking out here! if you comment, I will be so happy I will fly to Pluto (which should still be a planet) and back. seriously.
Also, I might have to forgo posts (and/or JAYFEATHER TIME) sometimes- I need to write more Jayjay and I need to get more time and I'm just busy. and the rest of the time, it'll still be shorter. sorry!
So, I have to stop here- I'm sorry, I just have to go (BUSY). bye, and, of course, Jam on!

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