You must be level one to play it. go to the Adventure Base Camp (click on parties)
see the "adventures" button? just click that (this picture was showing a glitch, but it also shows adventures and I'm too lazy to take a new one, lol).
ok. then see the bridge? go up towards that. then there should be some stones with portals. one stone says "Return of the Phantoms". click on the portal closest to it, and click "join an adventure", and click normal mode (you need to be level two to play hard mode).
if a member has a speech bubble above their head that says "Join me" and then, below it, "Return of the Phantoms" then click on the "join me" button and skip the other steps.
okay. now for the game!
when you first go in, someone must click on the exclamation point above Liza's (the Panda Alpha) head. then read what she has to say.
go to the right, through the leaf barrier, follow the path, and see all the bunnies? they all have something to say- the one next to the door, Binky, will tell you that he is watching over the "Bunny Burrow" while his parents are gone, and that they will be back when the plants are watered.
Then click on Pumpkin's speech bubble. she will say she has a cork. click on the paw symbol above the cork to pick it up.
go over to the purple pipe (to the far right of the picture) and a cork button will appear above it. click on that to plug it and stop it from contaminating the river any more.
Pumpkin will say that there are more pipes ahead, so go through the vine barrier and look for more corks and Phantom pipes. but there is a problem: PHANTOMS! (to see what phantoms do and how to defeat them, play the Adventure Tutorial, and comment if you have more questions.)
sneak past (or trap) the phantoms to plug every pipe. then the river will be clear blue.
now you can go through the river! just splash right on through it to wander around- now treasure chests are possible to get to. Try pushing through the trees and looking in curious places to find secret treasure chests, which you can then open to get gems- up to 200!
then go to the well and click on the symbol above it to get a bucketful of water.
see the dead, thorny, purple-ish plant in the last step? and the watering can above it? click on that watering cat to give your water to the plant. there are many plants to water, and you have to water them all- so look around a bit and grab some water! (you'll have to refill your water every time you use it on a plant. there are two watering wells to get it from.)
now, remember what Binky said about his parents coming back when all the plants are fixed? well, now you can go to the Bunny Burrow, since they're home. Go ahead, try it!
The Bunny Burrow is a wonderful place to explore and play, and George and Clover will welcome you warmly. But you're on a mission, remember. At the bottom level, as long as you don't trip over all the toys, you will meet Clover. She has something important to give to you....
The Key to unlocking the Phantom Door! Well, pick it up, quick!
go back the way you came, out of the Bunny Burrow. go back over the bridge, past the bunnies, past the well, and look at that looming gate ahead of you! what could open it, I wonder? ;)
Maybe a key?
open the door. your key will disappear- you can't use it again, sorry. go through the gate and well, now what?
Trapped Bunnies? what trapped bunnies? well, explore (there are phantoms everywhere! be careful) and see if you can find a key or two (you can only pick up one at a time), and then maybe you'll bump into the cages....
aww, poor things! but wait- you have a key. go towards one of the cages and use the key. The bunny will be freed! give out a cheer. but wait- there are still three more! go back and find the keys!
once you free all the bunnies, Liza will appear- with a prize. See what she has to say.
Pick a treasure chest, and see what you get!
now you can use the exit portal to go back to normal life.
and there you go! you've saved the bunnies, watered the flowers, saved the river. You're a hero! time to go, but see you soon! :)
Jam on!
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