GOOD MORNING, SUPER BOWL FANS! personally? I have to admit, I don't like the Super Bowl. *says in small voice* don't flame....
But I'm just as excited, because today is also.... THE KITTEN BOWL! which is twenty times cuter then the Super Bowl :3
I'm obsessed with cats, so I CANNOT WAIT for this!
today is also SURPRISE SUNDAY! yay :3
for those that missed last Mondays' rare, I am holding a Rare Pink Purse GIVEAWAY!
I bought six of them on Monday and will happily give one away to whoever wins the giveaway!
to enter, it's simple- just leave a comment, saying #RarePurse and why you should win! whoever has the best reason, IN MY OPINION (please don't say "No fair! you're mean" just because you don't win) will get it! also, please comment a time (and a time zone would be helpful....) that you could be online to get it, and your username. since I'm non-member, I can't just send a gift, sorry :(
also, you can have a plushie if you win too, because I have a billion plushies :D
also, as an extra surprise (well, yesterday I said I'd post some so I ruined the surprise :3) I have some photos for you!
I think this MIGHT be a leaked Beluga Whale, based on the caption I read on Google Images:
well, that's just cute!
also, I found a very cute picture from when the Otters were coming!
oh, that's ADORABLE! that might... MIGHT... be cuter then the Kitten Bowl.
nope. kitties win. but still that is CUUUUUTTTEE!!!!!!
and here's a possible leak?
hmm. I wonder what it is. do you think it's something coming to Jamaa??? that would be so cool. I hope it is :)
and HERE is a drawing that I did myself! *takes bow* tadaaaa
IN CASE YOU COULDN'T FIGURE IT OUT BECAUSE I'M BAD AT DRAWING: *takes deep breath* it's a five-year-old bunny in her bedroom with a Teddy bear and some stuff scattered on the floor with some shadows, the stuff on the floor is a soccer ball, a stuffed animal, and a board game, the stuff on the wall is a couple of lights and a kid's doodle in a frame.
*lets out breath* pufffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.
here are some doodles I did in the Art Studio.
I LOVE DRAWING, as you can probably tell. and I love making pretty backgrounds with the "Smudge" tool. it's my favorite thing about the Art Studio! I can SMUUUUDGEE all over and tadaaa I got a picture.
the code is: ngk2015
it's worth a thousand gems, and if it doesn't work, please comment below so I can fix it, thanks! :)
The winner of the Giveaway will be revealed next Sunday. So get commenting, and you just might win (since I'm probably only gonna get, like, four entries XD)!
DID YOU KNOW.... that if you could drive to the Sun, it would take about 190 YEARS to get there.
And now, click this link for the next exciting installment of...... JAYFEATHER'S MISSION!!!
Jayfeather's mission 5
I didn't bother to look at the map to see if any of it was correct, and I know ShadowClan doesn't have a tree barrier and stuff, I just needed something interesting for the story. and sorry it's late today, I forgot earlier :)
Have a great SUPER BOWL SUNDAAAYYYY (or Kitten Bowl Sundaaaayyyy :3) and Jam On!
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