Sunday, February 22, 2015

Scratch-out pictures

by the way,  jammers, I wanted to show you all something here..... SCRATCH-OUT PICTURES! :D
just read it. lol...
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there's my bunny scratch-out picture, and here's a couple more, too...
that's my sister, not me.
there's my friend, and.....
that's actually Binky from the "Return of the Phantoms" adventure!
in case anyone is wondering what these actually are, these scratch-outs are basically taking an old animal jam picture of someone, cropping it so you can barely see anything besides that one person, and then taking the fill bucket and filling in the background. the backgrounds on AJ all have SLIGHTLY different tones, so only parts will be filled in, plus there should be a small glow of non-filled-in background around the character for more effect, and then just save it and you have an AWESOME photo to share.
you might notice some effects that you didn't notice before as you fill in the background.
and you don't have to use black, it just looks really cool- white works just as well! or any color!
like maybe lavender?
that was Pumpkin from the same adventure as Binky.
and if it seems like there's way too much added color, try adding a few dots of the original color to fix it.
by the way, that bunny was just some random person who happened to be in a picture I was taking, and I decided to make a random scratch-out of them.
that's also me, in my wolf form, Blooming Fireyspirit.
that's not really a scratch-out, more like.... some other form of cool editing.
I'll post more scratch-outs when I get more pictures to edit! and it's not really very amazing, considering what I did was crop it, cover it in black, and give it a cool name, so... like... yeah...
lol :P
anyways, Jam on!

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