Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Quiz, Babbles, and Jayfeather

I now have 135 views and two more comments from Lovepuppiez, which have made my day! :) thank you all for looking, and hopefully, enjoying this blog....
I have had this blog for only about a month, so despite the fact I only have one commenter and a couple of those views are from my mom...., I still love logging on and seeing that I actually am not invisible.
anyways.... off with the sappy stuff. oh, and Lovepuppiez, did I mention you're awesome? yeah. AAAANYWAYS.
so today I made a MLP pony, which PROOOOBABLY none of you care about, and please don't argue about MLP in the comments if you DO, even though that's unlikely.
I was bored, watched a video, went to the pony creator, messed around, made a cutie mark, and decided to give her some personality and etc. and ANYWAYS, NEEXT!!!!!!!!!
did anyone else here watch Star trek- voyager (with Capt. Janeway) and see the holographic doctor and think 'JAYFEATHER JAYFEATHER TOTALLY JAYFEATHER' through every episode? I did. if you can't see why, let's look closer:
Major character that people think of as different and sometimes ignore.
A DOCTOR! and most people only talk to him when they get hurt. (seeing similarities yet?)
grumpy, sarcastic, and funny. (how 'bout now?)
has a romance that no one in his home knows about *wink wink* (that would be Half moon and Freya, in case you didn't know) (plus I guess you could say Kes, too)
special powers, but also limited (blind, walks in dreams. confined to the sick bay, can't be hurt cause' he's a hologram).
I'm going to do a short AJ quiz here, you can comment your results if ya'll want.

1: if there was a red, black, and white wolf with flames in Jamaa township with the name Awesome Sunnybrave, just sitting there, what would you do?
A- Log out immediately/shriek "AHH IT'S FMAN!"
B- laugh, say "it's a troll, don't worry.", and keep playing
C- ask/challenge him to hack you.
D- who's dat? cool outfit, I guess? *looks confused*

2: if you walked into Jamaa Township and saw a bunch of yellow animals jumping up and down and saying "BANANA" what would you do?
A- watch and be amused
B- say "nerds. get a life" and leave
C- freak out in confusion/leave
D- join them :D

3: what kind of server do you like to play in?
A- Aldan, or any other server full of people
B- one with two green dots
C- one with one green dot
D- one that's empty

4: if one if your buddies sent you a jam-a-gram inviting you to a fashion show and another sent you one inviting you to a Clan, what would you do?
A- go to the fashion show!
B- be an awesome roleplayer and join the clan, of course!
C- go to neither
D- try to figure out what a fashion show and a clan are O_O

RESULTS! because last time I skipped these. the possible results are 'CK', WT, R, or GW :D add up the points using this key.
1: A= R/WT, B= CK, C= CK/GW, D= WT
2: A= R, B= CK, C= WT, D= GW
3: A= CK or GW, B= GW or WT, C= R/WT D=R
4: A= CK, B= CK, C= R, D= WT

well, THAT was definitely confusing :P if you managed to sort it out, here it is, and it is NOT VERY ACURATE AT ALL O_O
mostly CK: 'cool kid'. you love to be in the group and do normal AJ things with other people, but it's possible you might become a bit of a bully at times (doesn't have to be true, remember, I'm bad at quizzes :P)
mostly WT: what the? you like to play animal jam, but get confused sometimes and don't understand all of it.
mostly R: rogue. you love to be alone and don't in particular like to be with other jammers.
mostly GW: goofy weirdo :D you love to goof off and be crazy and unique and show off your goofiness to other jammers!

yeah, I am NOT a good quiz-maker. anyways.
DID YOU KNOW that I got nothin'. heh...
Jayfeather time! oh, and a picture of him, too (this does NOT belong to me. all credit of this photo goes to Khalypso on DeviantArt. I repeat, not mine! they made a "wolf maker" game, and I made a wolf to look like Jayfeather and wrote the word "Jayfeather" on it and that's IT. even the feather belongs to them, K?)

Jayjay 17 :D
one word:
:D better wrap this up. so anyways, Jam on!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Scratch-out pictures

by the way,  jammers, I wanted to show you all something here..... SCRATCH-OUT PICTURES! :D
just read it. lol...
[[ [] ]]
[[ [] [] ]]
[[ [] [] [] ]]
[[ [] [] ]]
[[ [] ]]
there's my bunny scratch-out picture, and here's a couple more, too...
that's my sister, not me.
there's my friend, and.....
that's actually Binky from the "Return of the Phantoms" adventure!
in case anyone is wondering what these actually are, these scratch-outs are basically taking an old animal jam picture of someone, cropping it so you can barely see anything besides that one person, and then taking the fill bucket and filling in the background. the backgrounds on AJ all have SLIGHTLY different tones, so only parts will be filled in, plus there should be a small glow of non-filled-in background around the character for more effect, and then just save it and you have an AWESOME photo to share.
you might notice some effects that you didn't notice before as you fill in the background.
and you don't have to use black, it just looks really cool- white works just as well! or any color!
like maybe lavender?
that was Pumpkin from the same adventure as Binky.
and if it seems like there's way too much added color, try adding a few dots of the original color to fix it.
by the way, that bunny was just some random person who happened to be in a picture I was taking, and I decided to make a random scratch-out of them.
that's also me, in my wolf form, Blooming Fireyspirit.
that's not really a scratch-out, more like.... some other form of cool editing.
I'll post more scratch-outs when I get more pictures to edit! and it's not really very amazing, considering what I did was crop it, cover it in black, and give it a cool name, so... like... yeah...
lol :P
anyways, Jam on!

Quiz and Shout-out

aww, last day of vacation! well, enjoy it while you can, people.
anyways..... it's Surprise Sunday, isn't it? only a week left of the Rare Pink Purse giveaway, too.
AAANYWAYS, For the surprise, my mind is completely out of it, sooo.... I'm gonna do a quiz, and maybe a video about FIREBOY AND WATERGIRL! which is a really fun game that I love to play. look it up, it's awesome! I might not actually do the vid, though.
also, GIANT, MAJOR shout-out to MisterChunkyBuddy. If they're reading this, I want to say THANK YOU! stay awesome!
anyways, the quiz. yep. here it is!

1: on a scale of 1-10, about how rare do you think you are?
A= 1-2
B= 3-4 (this is my answer)
C= 5-6
D= 7-8
E= 9-10
F= 0 or 11 :P

2: if someone tried to trade you a necklace for a rare spike you had on trade, what would you do?
A= accept cheerfully
B= decline, block, report, and yell in caps lock
C= decline without a word and keep playing normally (that's what I would do)
D= what's a spike? (lol)
E= accept, and then sarcastically say "because a necklace is sooooo rare"
F= none of the above

3: what's your opinion on Roleplayers?
A= annoying.
B= what's a Roleplayer?
C= gruesome. REPORT, REPORT, BLOCK, REPORT.......
D= awesome!
E= I'm one of them! (this is meeee)
F= *shrugs* don't really care

4: which one of these outfits would you love to wear most?
A= Green and orange top hat with orange candy cane socks, green or orange lollypop necklace, and orange or green mech wings
B= Rare mech wings, rare mech helmet, diamond tail armor, diamond gauntlets, and yellow/orange necklace
C= black sparkly boa, black designer skirt, black flip-flops, black rare spike, and black tiara (totally me)
D= Full set of spirit armor with light blue and gray patterns
E= worn blanket, candy cane socks, and maybe a tiara on a bunny
F= bow and arrow, maybe a spike, and some armor (this might be me, too, actually!)

5: if you got "out" in a fashion show, what would you do?
A= report, yell, and be really mad
B= whine and be very sad, like "I never win, aww" etc.
C= say cheerfully "okay! can I watch?" (this is me)
D= say "knew it" (also me)
E= leave and not really care
F= I don't like (or play) fashion shows, so I wouldn't enter in the first place

6: what do you think is the point of Animal Jam? what's most important to you? (BE TRUTHFUL)
A= to make friends and chat (yep)
B= to get rare and have lots of items
C= to learn about the world (yep)
D= to play games and have lots of fun (yep)
E= to become famous on the internet
F= all of the above (or a combination, in which case pick, like, three) (and yep)

and that's it, jammers! so a fact..... did you know that... Eagles can sort of paddle through the water- ish- o_o using their wings? yeah, sort of lost on that one. I read it in my NGK magazine.
Jayfeather is currently IN THE PAST :o
the cave is empty? what will Jay's Wing find? he went to see Rock in the tunnels..... he has to find Half Moon.... well, this is certainly mysterious o_o
by the way, if no one gets the joke "oh my...... unknown ancestors....." it's because she wouldn't say "Oh my StarClan!" or "Oh my Tribe of I FORGOT THEIR NAME AHH" because no one knows about them yet.
Jayfeather's mission 16
also, does anyone here take care of the blog's pets, Kelly, Lime, Fred, Felix, Patches, and all of the fish? they're so cute! scroll down to the bottom of the page and give them some attention, please :)
Jam on (and keep lovin' cats)!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

yada yada yada, blah blah blah, babble babble yada yada yada.........

hi jammers! okay, I am SO SORRY that I completely forgot code Wednesday! I was busy and I never got a single moment to glance at the computer, I swear. by the time I had any free time, it was almost time for THREE AWESOME TV SHOWS IN A ROW (at night), including a two-hour special for a show that ended- forever... never gonna see another new episode again.... so of course, I had to watch them all :D
... and then I was tired enough to fall asleep then and there and just barely managed to stumble to bed and start snoring.
so, I really never got any time to post, or go on AJ, or stuff :( but it was still an awesome day.
91 pageviews! yay! you know what would make me extremely happy? like, REALLY REALLY REALLY happy?
a comment. -_-
lol, it's been almost two months, people, and I only have one comment! come on, people. it would make me so happy I would fly to the moon if I knew that somebody was actually reading this. and I know I've probably made a billion errors in my blog, or a billion ways I haven't made it better, but all you gotta do is comment it....
okay, off the sappy whining for feedback :P time for a giant AJ RANT! whoo-hoo!
.........I got nothin'. anybody wanna talk about Nyan cat?
I forgot to unplug the headphones.... or turn the volume down from 100%.
lol, after that's done, I just want to say...
I HAVE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES IN MY FREEZER!!!!!! I'm not kidding :D I can snack on them anytime! unless I eat them all. but anyways, I've been forgoing facts for a while, despite the fact (hey there's one!) that I have a Weird but true! book in my house at my disposal.... I'm just being lazy. lazy no more, I say! :D
DID YOU KNOW that a rainbow looks different to every person who sees it? hmm. that sparks a warriors one-shot idea.....
"Leopardstar, what do you mean, that's mauve? that's totally fuchia."
"no, BOTH OF YOU, it's hot pink! duh. obviously."
"I thought it was red."
"ORDER IN THE CLAM! (quote Mama Tad on YouTube for that :P) it's definitely coral, people!"
"no, it's SALMON!"
"It looks more like, I don't know, maybe a sort of raspberry?"
"guys, you mouse-brains, it's berry smoothie."
"light pink?"
"dark purple."
lol, I'm just gonna say it's SOME SHADE OF PINK, to all of RiverClan. AAANYWAYS......
JAYFEATHER TIME! and this one is shared, I made sure of it. no worries :)
Jayfeather's mission 15
as always, jam on!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I would really like it if you guys could comment.... or, like, anything??? please? lol. I get the feeling I'm talking to myself by now.
89 pageviews! woot! keep it up!
WHO HERE LISTENS TO BLACK MIDI MUSIC? I'm addicted to it. it's like for some crazy reason, my brain loves listening to a person explode fifty pianos (which is pretty much what it sounds like) while a billion people argue over Chuck Norris in the comments and my ears explode... O_O
lol, it's just so epic! I don't have Synthesia, so I couldn't make one..... ah, well. I'm content to listen :)
does anyone here actually ship DoveXTiger (Dovewing and Tigerheart)? because I totally do. and you can probably tell from my username (Cinderblaze380) that Cinderheart and Lionblaze are a favorite, too...
does anyone here go on Scratch? it's a programming website by MIT, and I love it so much! my username on that is Cinderblaze380, too.
comment if you've heard "Bad Apple" and your mind exploded XD
I'm rambling. well, that's the point of the blog, I guess!
anyways. who goes on Fanfiction? I go there, but only to read, not to write.
I have, like, a trillion ideas for stories, and Fanfictions, and books, and I only have about two hours to WRITE THEM, so...... I'm gonna go explode. again. EVERYTHING IS EXPLODING!
so now you know who to talk to when you need to have a very serious, quiet conversation......  NOT ME. TOTALLY, COMPLETELY, UTTERLY NOT ME XD
so yesterday, I didn't get a chance to go on AJ because I spent two hours watching funny warrior cat videos on YouTube and my mom banned me from the computer for the rest of the day :D
two hours well spent.... two hours well spent, my fellow jammers :P
Imagine what would happen.... if the warrior cats found animal jam...... omsc, new story idea! :D
"what is it, Ivypool?"
"cool.....? what the......."
lol. I'm very skilled in the art of babbling :D
DUBSTEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bam! and THE WORLD EXPLODES! with unicorns! eating..... windows! and GREELY AND PECK EAT CUPCAKES!!!!!!!! and Liza becomes OBSESSED WITH DUBSTEP! if you can easily imagine that last one, there's something wrong... and if you can imagine Greely eating a pretty little fluffy cupcake, you're awesome :D
AND THERE'S YOUR DAILY DOSE OF RANDOMNESS! now, I promised that in this post, I would have the next chapter of Jayjay? well, that same day, I wrote THREE new chapters! so here's the chapter I promised. sorry for the delay!
JAYFEATHER'S MISSION 14!!!!!!!! oh yeah! so, anyways, I should wrap this up. as always....

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Surprise: blah blah blah blabbers

Okay, you already know I have YouTube- I said so in my last post- but anyways, check it out! my channel is Cinderblaze Fireymoon.
also, for every single person who has ever read this blog: THANK YA'LL ALL FOR BEING AWESOME!
anyways. today I am going to talk about a rumor you've probably all heard......
So, apparently (for those that haven't heard about it), Fman122 is a hacker on AJ. some say he's a robotic virus, programmed to hack- others say he's a real person, who has epic hacking skills, and others still say he's simply a rumor and refuse to believe ANYTHING ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE. Fman could walk up and hack them, and they'd say it's a glitch. lol.... plus, there are a TON of arguments. I'm scared to state my personal opinion here (so I won't) because whenever someone does that on YouTube it starts a giant flame war......
anyways. I'm still not quite clear on the subject. some claim to be related to him, or friends with him, or buddies with him.... and a lot of them say Fman is actually a "her", and some say he put the "man" in to trick people, and it's all very confusing.
anyways. what he does (I think, I really wish people would make this clearer because NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW THE TRUTH!) is send you a Jam-a-gram, and it has a gift attached, and you open it and it has nothing in it..... and then a unicorn eats you!!!!!!!! KIDDING! he takes over your account. I'm not really sure if he takes over your entire COMPUTER, but it's one of the possibilities (people argue way too much over this subject, so don't blame me for getting confused). I'm also not sure what actually happens to the account- does he take your rares? does he turn it into another wolf? does he (oh, wait, it might be a she and it might be a robot) basically explode the universe (not likely :P)?
anyways. the only facts that are certain is the fact that he's/she's/it's a wolf, with black, white, and red flames (look it up on Google Images) called Awesome Sunnybrave, and whatever the truth is, I don't like it. or him. or- OH YOU KNOW!
What's your opinion? and please, please, please do NOT start a flame war in the comments. this is a peaceful blog. we don't want trouble. :P
also, I would like to REMIND YOU GUYS OF SOMETHING! no one has entered the Rare Pink Purse Giveaway. NO ONE. if you enter, you probably have a VERY high chance of winning! you have to enter by the first day of spring (March 1st). all you do is comment below WHY YOU THINK YOU SHOULD WIN, your username, and maybe add a time you'd be online so you could get it.... and if no one enters by March 1st, the giveaway is over.
DID YOU KNOW that the world's most stolen food is cheese? I don't get why some thief would break into, I don't know, some random Deli shop and steal a hunk of cheddar, but I guess they do, lol
and I WILL GIVE YOU JAYFEATHER IN THE NEXT POST, I CAN PROMISE. you WILL get the next chapter. but for today, I have to skip it.... sorry.
oh, almost forgot- a picture!
if you look, you'll notice that Liza is supposed to be there..... glitch XD
As always, Jam on!

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Happy Valentines day, everyone! I, for one, have two boxes of chocolate from my sister and my dad, so I'm pretty much set, since I'm "too young" (AKA not caring) to have any crushes :P
So, while I make myself sick with CHOCOLATE POWER!!!!!!!! I will type up an apology for the fact I'm lagging. I don't mean my computer (although that's going on too), I mean my posts. this is supposed to be daily.
not weekly.
DID YOU KNOW that I have a YOUTUBE CHANNEL? It's all about AJ. just type in "Cinderblaze Fireymoon" (not my real name, guys! my AJ account is Cinderblaze380, Blossom Fireymoon, so it's just from that) and I should come up!
I just made my channel recently, and I need some editing help.... so, if you have any tips, you can add them. I figured out how to add cool music, so at least that's settled! :)
Anyways. as a special Valentines day treat, I'm uploading a "friendship day party" video! it takes place in my den, over here:
stay tuned! I'll upload soon!
UPDATE: I finished filming! it's basically a small tour of the den (as in me running around in circles), me getting jammers and the jammers saying hi, and then a party where we all totally goof off. about a quarter of the thing was actually filmed, and the rest is a mystery to you guys that SHALL NEVER KNOW *evil laugh*
anyways.... so check out my stuff! by the way, if any of you like my blog and want me to post a link to YOUR blog, I can totally do that. anyways......
Valentines day party AJ here's the video!
did I post this, on the last post? I probably did...... Jayjay 13 yeah, I ran out of spare chapters. I gotta write more or I will totally have failed you! *wails*
okie dokie :)
so sorry for this being so short, AGAIN. I have to go. bye! and JAM ON!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Hellooooo jammers! today is CODE WEDNESDAY! yay! okay, so, the code is: *drumroll please*
Outback. just enter Outback in that little code box and you get 500 gems!
Two words: FALLING PHANTOMS. my favorite game on AJ. look up my username (Cinderblaze380) and look at the achievements. It's covered in falling phantoms trophies! I can win over 1500 gems in one sitting from that game! here are some tips.
Do you want to be that jammers that seems to be able to magically dodge any phantom in the universe? you've come to the right place.
Try standing in one spot, with fingers on the arrow keys, ready to dart. you can spend up to the first half a minute in one spot if the phantoms don't get to it! but PAY ATTENTION. you must FOCUS as hard as you can. and if one comes your way........ RUN!
I also am very skilled in the art of Multi-phantom-circles. You do this by getting a trillion phantoms on your trail and running in a circle so you just have a giant purple phantom cloud, like this:

see? simple. this is best to do when you're very experienced and your computer loads really fast.
did you guys know that when you reach level 8, you have FOUR lives instead of three? wow, cool (I'm level eight).
Sorry for this being so short, but...... I gotta wrap it up. Did you know that....... an Ostrich egg is the same amount of "egg stuff" as TWO DOZEN chicken eggs. wowowowowow.
TIME. FOR. JAYFEATHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember how Jayfeather forgot that Squirrelflight had been spying (Breezepelt's memory potion) on him? well, he did just that- forgot- and now he's clueless.
Jayfeather's mission 13
If I ever make ANY MISTAKES AT ALL, you can COMMENT *hint hint!!!!!!* and I can FIX THEM and I do NOT HAVE COMMENTS and I really would LIKE some comments! freaking out here! if you comment, I will be so happy I will fly to Pluto (which should still be a planet) and back. seriously.
Also, I might have to forgo posts (and/or JAYFEATHER TIME) sometimes- I need to write more Jayjay and I need to get more time and I'm just busy. and the rest of the time, it'll still be shorter. sorry!
So, I have to stop here- I'm sorry, I just have to go (BUSY). bye, and, of course, Jam on!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Sorry I forgot to post this yesterday, here's what I had before I had to exit out:
Today is Rare. Item. MONDAAAAAYYYYYYY!!! so here's what I have to report:
It's member's only. *sad face* lol
The rare item is HEART GLASSES! to be worn on your face, obviously. they're light pink heart frames with slightly yellow-cream-ish lenses. they cost 500 gems.
 ok, so anyways.
as many of you know, a couple days ago I was supposed to give the name of the WINNER OF THE RARE PINK PURSE GIVEAWAY! yayz :3
I didn't, for the sole reason that no one entered. at all.
it's simple. just- ahh I'm not repeating this again. read the other articles.
Okay, again, sorry I forgot to post yesterday- I had to go to go with my dad to go to the store and get boring milk and stuff.
okay, I found out today that I don't need multiple computers to play on both of my accounts! It's so cool. so you just open up a new tab and really quick LOG OUT OF ANIMAL JAM ON THAT TAB (because otherwise you'll have two tabs with the same account, which will make one of them log out and it'll be useless) and then sign in with your SPARE account, and then if you want to do something like trading (or a multi-person-troll) you can buddy your accounts to link them together, then use the buddy finder! isn't that cool?
Speaking of multi-person-trolls, this is what I did yesterday....
this is something that I've done multiple times (but the wolves were different colors) that I like to call "invasion of the Meep". I think I've shown you another time I did this before:
oh yeah! that was fun. click on it to make it bigger.
by the way, in the first one (with the purple and orange wolves) I had four or five accounts hopping. it led to a "banana vs. meep" epic battle eventually. I am not kidding.
you MAY NOTICE that I took the screenshot on my account "WolfOfSun" and that there's an American flag in the speech bar. that's because WolfOfSun is my SPANISH account. no joke. I wanted to learn Spanish, so armed with nothing but a New Jammer (Nuevo Jammer) account and Google Translate, I journeyed into the deep unknown.
I can say "I am English", "I don't know," "please," and "sorry", which pretty much covers those awkward moments when someone is saying something to me and I can't respond because I don't know what they're saying.
"Yo Soy Ingles, no lo se, lo siento. por favor ayudar!" enter that into Google translate (or a YouTube comment) and it should (if I typed it right) say "I am English, I don't know, sorry. please help!"
my cat is taking a nap........ on my mousepad. I can't move the mouse for fear of waking him up. don't you hate it when your cat falls asleep on your stuff?
"um, Whiskers, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you maybe get up so I can read my Warriors book?"
"uh, hey, Mittens, I think you might have fallen asleep on my homework....."
"Well, Furball, I always love going to sleep with a cat on my bed, but could I get under the covers first? it's the middle of winter........"
ah geez. it's gotten worse. now he's sprawled out all over the mouse pad and using my mouse as a pillow. I guess I have to shoo him.... goodbye, kitty..... can I use my mouse?
oh, I just nudged him so I have, like, two inches more space.
And I moved him! yay! finally.
So I'll just finish this up. by the way, my sister is making a Spanish account on AJ right now, cool! I'll tell you the UN (UserName) when she's done. her normal account is Jem56.
DID YOU KNOW: That Toads do not have teeth. that fact is.... just...... well... a fact. meh.
JAYFEATHER HAS A CLIFFHANGER! Jayfeather's mission 12: fixed
oh, my, peck. Oh, my StarClan. oh my French fries (yum). LOOK AT WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT THIS MOMENT! so many bananas....... O_O I HAVE TO SHRINK THE PICTURES TO FIT THEM ALL

I WILL ADD MORE IN A MOMENT! STAY HERE! and it ISN'T TOO LATE TO BE A BANANA NOW! you can buddy Wolfofsun, Daringspiritworld, Ivypoolforever, or Cinderblazespare380 and then use the buddy finder to come here and be a banana now! PLEASE COME!

this is still going on! RIGHT NOW! in the world "Congo" but it's better to use the buddy finder or you might end up in the wrong place. if you're in this, comment below! P.S. now we're in Mt. shiver.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Adventure Tutorial: Return of the Phantoms (with pictures)

Okay. This is how to play RETURN OF THE PHANTOMS!
You must be level one to play it. go to the Adventure Base Camp (click on parties)
see the "adventures" button? just click that (this picture was showing a glitch, but it also shows adventures and I'm too lazy to take a new one, lol).
ok. then see the bridge? go up towards that. then there should be some stones with portals. one stone says "Return of the Phantoms". click on the portal closest to it, and click "join an adventure", and click normal mode (you need to be level two to play hard mode).
if a member has a speech bubble above their head that says "Join me" and then, below it, "Return of the Phantoms" then click on the "join me" button and skip the other steps.
okay. now for the game!
when you first go in, someone must click on the exclamation point above Liza's (the Panda Alpha) head. then read what she has to say.
go to the right, through the leaf barrier, follow the path, and see all the bunnies? they all have something to say- the one next to the door, Binky, will tell you that he is watching over the "Bunny Burrow" while his parents are gone, and that they will be back when the plants are watered.

Then click on Pumpkin's speech bubble. she will say she has a cork. click on the paw symbol above the cork to pick it up.
go over to the purple pipe (to the far right of the picture) and a cork button will appear above it. click on that to plug it and stop it from contaminating the river any more.
Pumpkin will say that there are more pipes ahead, so go through the vine barrier and look for more corks and Phantom pipes. but there is a problem: PHANTOMS! (to see what phantoms do and how to defeat them, play the Adventure Tutorial, and comment if you have more questions.)
sneak past (or trap) the phantoms to plug every pipe. then the river will be clear blue.
now you can go through the river! just splash right on through it to wander around- now treasure chests are possible to get to. Try pushing through the trees and looking in curious places to find secret treasure chests, which you can then open to get gems- up to 200!
then go to the well and click on the symbol above it to get a bucketful of water.

see the dead, thorny, purple-ish plant in the last step? and the watering can above it? click on that watering cat to give your water to the plant. there are many plants to water, and you have to water them all- so look around a bit and grab some water! (you'll have to refill your water every time you use it on a plant. there are two watering wells to get it from.)
now, remember what Binky said about his parents coming back when all the plants are fixed? well, now you can go to the Bunny Burrow, since they're home. Go ahead, try it!
The Bunny Burrow is a wonderful place to explore and play, and George and Clover will welcome you warmly. But you're on a mission, remember. At the bottom level, as long as you don't trip over all the toys, you will meet Clover. She has something important to give to you....
The Key to unlocking the Phantom Door! Well, pick it up, quick!
go back the way you came, out of the Bunny Burrow. go back over the bridge, past the bunnies, past the well, and look at that looming gate ahead of you! what could open it, I wonder? ;)

Maybe a key?
open the door. your key will disappear- you can't use it again, sorry. go through the gate and well, now what?
Trapped Bunnies? what trapped bunnies? well, explore (there are phantoms everywhere! be careful) and see if you can find a key or two (you can only pick up one at a time), and then maybe you'll bump into the cages....
aww, poor things! but wait- you have a key. go towards one of the cages and use the key. The bunny will be freed! give out a cheer. but wait- there are still three more! go back and find the keys!
once you free all the bunnies, Liza will appear- with a prize. See what she has to say.
Pick a treasure chest, and see what you get!
now you can use the exit portal to go back to normal life.
and there you go! you've saved the bunnies, watered the flowers, saved the river. You're a hero! time to go, but see you soon! :)
Jam on!

Surprise SUNDAY!!!!!

I am SO SO SORRY that I forgot to post yesterday. I had a choice between blog or Curious Berry stories, and I chose the latter (Curious Berry is a story I'm writing and it's reeeaaaally long). and today I will write my blog post AND a trillion Jayjay's mission stories (because I need to catch up on them so I always have one to put here!).
anyways. guess what day it is?!
the surprise is ruined BECAUSE I was going to put the winner of the Rare Pink Purse Giveaway.
Nobody entered. *deflates* ftoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.........
So I am extending this to another THREE weeks. on the first day of spring, I will announce the winner!
All you need to do is simple. just comment WHY you think you should win, and I'll pick someone to get a rare pink purse! although, you should also state a time you'll be online, since I can't simply send gifts so we have to trade, and put your username. and then whenever you're online, TADA! free rare pink purse (well, you have to trade something for it, but seriously, a necklace or ugly plushie for a rare? can't say no) :D
And if I ever get membership, I will host a giveaway and just send you guys the gifts. :)
Okay. so, I guess extending it to Spring is a bit of a surprise, but no way is that good enough! so I will post a picture and a code and.... hmm........ an adventure tutorial!
First, the picture (or two or three cuz I have a lot of pictures):

 CONFETTI PHANTOMS (yep I need to work on my drawing skills, lol and BOTH OF THESE ARE EDITED BADLY CUZ I'M LAZY)

and that's the pictures, the code is OUTBACK! it gets you 500 gems. that one was in the NGK magazine :)
the adventure tutorial I will post after all this stuff. just FYI. okay. so let's wrap this up!
there are twice as many chickens on Earth as people. TWICE as many. double chickens. cock-a-doodle-doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
JAYFEATHER TIME! Jayfeather's mission 11 CLIFFHANGER!!!! I love torturing my readers with cliffhangers and making them wait a whole day :)
well, that's it- besides for the tutorial, which is in my other post, check it out!
Jam on!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Things I hate about Animal Jam: types of jammers

as of yesterday, I forgot to share the link for Jayfeather's mission. that is now fixed, and from now on I will make sure the links are fixed!
DID YOU KNOW that wild strawberries can be yellow? woooow. weird. cool! :)
Yesterday, Owls came to Jamaa! yay! you can buy them in the diamond shop for ten diamonds, members only- at least that's my guess. I haven't seen any non-members with them, and all the new animals lately are members-only-ten-diamonds... wish I could get one. meh :3

there are many, many things that I have a serious problem with on animal jam, but I will list just a few here, as I need something to fill my post.
Those people that call you a scammer. for no reason. they are clearly misusing the word. like, once someone was doing an account giveaway- and everyone was just shouting "pick me pick me!" and there was no contest or anything, the owner just picked someone randomly, and then another person shouted "Don't trust her shes a scale" and I'm just like....... umm..... he picked a completely random person. why are you even trying.
or when someone doesn't give you something for free just because they want it and then they call you a scammer when you don't give it up. umm..... I'm just a little confused here.
I also don't like the roleplayers who say "bites neck no miss" all the time and "leaps and claws and pulls to ground and makes dead no miss" all the time, and then when you simply say "leaps at no miss" ONCE, they call you a power-player.
riiiight. I'M the powerplayer. lol :P
and what about the people who refuse to believe anything? twenty people get hacked by Fman122. they say "he's just a troll, and I guess all those people got hacked are trolls too" and walk away. fifty people get hacked. they themselves get hacked. they say it's a glitch.
right..... a glitch. okie then.
or those people that assume things without information. like, I say "free code giveaway my den!" because, what I'm ACTUALLY planning, is to go to my den and say a gem code to everyone for free. but some people sometimes assume things, without knowing all the details, which led to someone calling me a "scale" when I did this (I admit, it sounds like a scam to most jammers, but they should ask what I'm at least doing first).
and we've all met the following friends. those buddies who follow you everywhere and never let you get a moment to yourself and always want to do stuff with you all the time and don't leave you alone for a moment. once, on a tutorial website, on "how to make buddies on animal jam" one of the tips was "follow them everywhere to make sure you don't get lost".
that's not going to help, people. let me tell you this straight out. a friend may want to follow you, but do not follow a friend- it gets seriously annoying eventually to some people.
and the rude people. the people who blurt out something from the top of their head, like "why do you look so ugly" or "eww, is that a top hat? that's for boys!" or "omg scale I report u get away from me bully meanie you are so rude go" without thinking first (or sometimes thinking last) and overreacting. drama queens and rudeness follow AJ everywhere it goes.
phew. I'm sure you've all met at least one of those people. if you've forgotten:
the powerplayer
the stubborn-not-believing-it-jammer
the assumer
the follower
the rude-doesn't-think-before-typing-jammer
the drama queen
,maybe you could sympathize with me...... in the comments...... by typing a comment....... and posting it......... *hint hint*
Jayfeather's mission 10: this one is shared fully
as always, Jam on!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fact Thursday + Coral Canyons Glitch

does anyone know about a good screen recording device? because I would love to make YouTube videos about Animal Jam.
This is FACT THURSDAY (and I got a lot of them, since I got a NGK magazine yesterday)!
DID YOU KNOW! it's possible for a seed to be blown across the entire ocean and sprout on a whole different CONTINENT. wow. epic!
NO ONE has entered the giveaway for the RPP (Rare Pink Purse) so far- if no one does, I'll have to extend the giveaway to another week- or even two.
It's simple. just comment why you want the purse! and yes, it's okay to say "I'm new and need more stuff". just tell the truth. and I'll probably only get five entries, so don't think "nah, someone else will win it, I don't have a chance so why even try" because it's very likely you will.
anyways. more facts! lemme go get my Nat Geo kids magizzzzzzzzzine (I like ZZZ's), and here we go....
by the way, there's a new code, from the NGK magazine that if you comment I'll share.... yes, I'm bribing you to comment. :P
DID YOU KNOW that some pets are so pampered that they have heated, two-story doghouses and hand-made sweaters? I'm not joking. O_O
did you knowwww that a volcano once erupted with, instead of lava, sulfur. imagine this: a volcano pouring with rivers of glowing blue lava. that's exactly what it looked like! wow, I want to see that! did you know that some sea turtles swim thousands of miles each year? or that a colder loggerhead turtle nest makes boy turtles, and a warmer one makes girls? wow. or that the longest ever recorded echo lasted for almost TWO MINUTES. hot water and cold water make different sounds when poured. the western diamondback rattlesnake can rattle it's.... rattle... almost 60 times a second. On the island of Niue, some dollar coins have POKEMON imprinted on them. and..... wait. AHH! I CAN FLY!!!!!!!! everyone, GO TO CORAL CANYONS YOU CAN ACTUALLY FLY! I'm not sure how long it'll last. but it's still working, any server. so go fly today! I should wrap it up now. I think. the font is messed up somehow and I can't see how much I've typed correctly....
Jayfeather's mission 9- fixed there you go, Jayjay fans! (UPDATE: I put "fixed" because yesterday I forgot to SHARE IT *facepalm* so that's the shareable link.
:D and how in the name of StarClan can he even see....?
and so with that I have to wrap it up. As always, be epic and JAM ON!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Code Wednesday and Cabin Fever

CODE WEDNESDAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! who here loves using it's just so fun! I didn't get to play Sky High with Nyan, though- too glitchy :(
the code is WINTER! enter code Winter for 500 gems, I think. if it doesn't work, or I've already said this one, please comment below so I can fix it :)
today I am a seashell- and at least a thousand years old, because I've spent the last nine hundred years at least listening to my sister talk. and since seashells can't pick up duct tape, I was forced to just listen. and tomorrow I will be a day old pie, because I like pie. :P
yep, I'm random. SPEAKING OF RANDOM, does anyone here watch RainbowTheCatAJ videos? she is the meaning of random. I cannot stop laughing. seriously.
I have FIFTY ONE pageviews now! thank you, everyone- thank you! as always, I LOVE COMMENTS! :3
now, I am going to check my inbox. if I have any comments, I will give a shout-out gladly- so let's check it out....
aww :( nothing there! now I'm a sad thousand-year-old seashell :P
I love winter. And I also hate winter. I mean, it's just.... it's both an amazing, wonderful land of shining, soft, fluffy white, an excuse to stay inside with hot chocolate and a million Warriors books, AND five months of nothing but cold, bleak yards and being cooped up inside. I have Cabin Fever- plus, I'm home-schooled, which makes it twenty times worse because I can't even get outside to go to school. and any out-of-home stuff is usually canceled because of the SNOW.
well......... at least I can phone friends.... when the lines aren't down or we don't have a black-out from the snow.
That might be why I'm going on AJ more. I can get out of the house and talk to someone that isn't my sister or my parents..... and I don't even have to put on my boots :P
but seriously,  I'm sick of this. I wish winter was only a month, and the extra two months could go to summer- although the snow lasts for more like six months anyways.
DID YOU KNOW that surgeons sometimes use SEA CORAL to replace human bones? wow. cool! not like I would want to have coral in my bones myself, but it's still cool :P
and........ time for Jayfeather..... *falls asleep on keyboard* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... I want summer back. please comment, it would make my day. I'm not kidding. and maybe it could offer some relief from Cabin Fever, too ;)
what was I talking about again? oh, yeah, Jayjazzzzzzzzzzz.........
*jerks awake* ah, man. *grumbles under breath* I wouldn't be tired if it was summer....
Jayfeather's mission 8
and now time to wrap it up so I can go outside and attempt to play. well, at least it's sunny. my mom says that a few days ago, the cat got out, and to get back in my mom called him and he sort of swam through the snow to get back to the door. o_O woah. that's snowy.
Jam... Onzzzzzz.....

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday Babbles

I ran Captain Melvile's Juice Hut (Crystal Sands) today, and it's really fun to do- if someone's already there, be a customer.
You can say stuff like "hello, how may I help you today?" or "Would you like anything?" or "Which flavor smoothie would you like?"
you can hire a band, or sing Karaoke yourself, which is incredibly fun, and you might get some claps- in the form of people saying ":claps:", of course :P
Okay, it may seem a bit childish to play shop, but seriously, it's fun. and some people might hang around, chat, relax, and have a ton of fun- you can goof off if you want. there's no law against being random (and if there was, I'd be in prison for life).
All you do is stand behind the juice counter and unleash the epicness :D
I know a few ways to be random in real life. like "teach your pet rock to play dead" or say in a deep voice "I must find a different host body" and then look confused (you get the best freak-out factor in public, but I don't suggest you do this often- or in the President's office, lol) XD
yep. I love randomness. and epicness. and awesomeness. and AJ. and does anyone here go on Scratch? I love Scratch, and Warriors and the universe and saying BLRGFESIFIFENAHBVEN out loud.
I have a challenge for everyone. Say these words- OUT LOUD. see if you can do it! I'm playing it too.
Jkiopitrejg (Jk-io-pi-trejg)
Kargsgiy (Karg-s-giy)
Nahapiopiajikilimootiejayfootsies (see if you can do it)
OOfihaSSiue (based on the language of Ogrese in Ella Enchanted, GREAT book)
Lpokwla (Lpok-wla)
did you manage any of them? that was really fun.
I love Boston Crème ANYTHING, and I just ate pure gooey bliss- a Boston Crème Cronut (is that how you spell it?). I was like OH STARCLAN THAT'S GOOD when I ate it, because, I mean, it's just really, really good.
Did you know  that a group of musicians in China makes Instruments out of vegetables. like, a carrot and celery flute, etc. wow. that's incredible!                         
by the way, if I ever forget Jayjay, please forgive me and don't come as a swarming mob with pitchforks and torches :)
  JAYFEATHER TIME!!!! And I'm really not sure if this is the right chapter, it's so hard to keep track. if I skipped a chapter, please comment and I'll fix it! Jayfeather's real mission 7                                                                                                             
 As always, Jam On!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Summer Carnival Glitch?!?!?!! 2015

OH STARCLAN. weirdest glitch ever- and some have theories that AJ is actually getting HACKED.
it's February 2nd, and yet:

WOAH. First of all.... SUMMER CARNIVAL??? It's the middle of winter! I am very confused here!
and don't forget the New Year's Party. Umm.... that was over, like, maybe a week ago?
therefore, I am FREAKED OUT.
I really hope they aren't getting hacked- and they probably aren't. it's just a... *starts hyperventilating* glitch.... glitch.... GLITCH..... GLITCH!!!!!!!!!!! GLITCH GLITCH GLITCH GLITCH AHHHHH *explodes*
Now it says that it's "Hard at work updating the lands of Jamaa" and "check back soon!" so I really hope they'll fix everything- although that summer carnival WAS pretty fun :P
I'll update when AJ is back online- or as soon as possible otherwise.
UPDATE!! AJ is back online, and everything seems to be fixed- SC (Summer Carnival) is gone- and so is the New Year's party. I doubt AJHQ would do that glitch for no reason, though. I think that they narrowly avoided a very serious hack, but that's just my theory.
Plus.... I still have all my tickets that I won there. O_O