Hi! So there are actually like, maybe THREE Tigris servers? And Libertyy was only in one. Which means that I never got to see her XD but I don't mind.
Did you know that when she didn't show up in my server, about half the people in the server started hating on her? I mean, honestly! I saw a lot of people saying "I unsud" and I couldn't figure what it meant for a few minutes, and then it clicked in my brain, and I'm holding my hand to my mouth like "Oh my StarClan" and staring at the screen. Congrats, Lib- you tried to hold a party to celebrate all your subs, and you lost about 500 of them in the process. >.<
I will always be a Lib fan. She apologized like 15 times in her video, and I didn't even need her to do it once, so I honestly don't mind- She'll have other parties, right? :)
I have two tabs playing "Nightstep- Monster" at the same time, so on one tab it's going "WUB WUB WUB PEW PEW PEW MUCH WUB VERY BASE" and on the other it's going "Monster, how should I feel?" Sweetly and I'm pretty much dancing in my chair nonstop XD
I recently started watching "Simon's cat" and it's SOOOOO funny. Yep, that's pet cats in a nutshell.
I have a new commenter! Yay! Now it's up to 2! I have TWO PEOPLE COMMENTING ON MY BLOG! I feel famous :3 lol
Here's your pictures :D I love the Mapleshade one, and the "I have to run as fast as I can" is so true XD I have two (wait, no, three) cats, and the youngest one does that ALL THE TIME. Usually at 3 in the morning.
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