Saturday, January 31, 2015

Photos and Leaks!

Hellooooooo, Jammers! I wonder if maybe, possibly, the Owl might be non-members? that would be a dream come true. but AJ doesn't work that way, sadly :(
Anybody here seen X-men? I have been watching those movies nonstop with my family. it's like in between everything, my mom will call "Honey, want to watch First Class?" and I'm like YEAAAAA *scrambles out of computer seat*
My mutant power? if I could have one, and even better, PICK it, I would pick.... Jean. (for those of you that haven't seen the one where... well... SPOILERS. Jean's power is, quote my Dad, everything).

I can't decide. maybe telepathy? or FIREEEE cuz' fire is cool... I mean hot. Elsa is cool. :P
What would you pick for a power? I
I found some cool photos here! and I took some myself! first of all, this: that looks like The Forgotten Desert! members, go win it :D
I found a funny troll here, and along with it I'll post a troll I did myself:
and I promised one I did myself. THIS picture up ahead was taken by me:
see, it says "Cinderblaze380" at the bottom. yep, that's me! ah, that was so fun.... the invasion of the Meep creatures (from Mars XD)
I found a leaked goat? I hope this is a real animal! how cool would that be?!
I wonder if it might be non-members. if it is, I'm not complaining- just hoping, because that is cute!
and to go with it is this! now, THESE I would love. I'm a plushie collector :D
I found a funny picture online that someone must have edited. I wonder what AJHQ was thinking when they drew that picture of Liza~
XD lol
I also found a whole bunch of pictures of a 3D AJ! how cool would that be? I think it's in Beta testing right now.
that's pretty much all I could fit. I think the post might be full, and anyways, this is very long. so I'm going to wrap it up. I'll post more photos soon- either today or tomorrow :)
did you know that in a restaurant in Denmark, you can order an appetizer that has needles from a Douglas fir in it! tasty- for a deer :P
what episode is Jayfeather and his She-cat companions on again? I forgot. chapter four? chapter five? chapter three? lemme check.
ah, four.
Yes, Jayfeather, I know how to pronounce "Disability". I also know how to spell it. so there :P
Jam on!

Friday, January 30, 2015


Guess what- FIRST COMMENT!!! read the comments for the most recent other post, and you'll see that Lovepuppiez commented "Cool blog!"
okay, it's not like they said "oh, by the way, you're on the news with a billion adoring fans of your incredible blog" but it's only a few (give or take some billion) steps away :D
Thank you! by the way, jammers, warrior fans, and anyone else who might happen to be reading this for no reason, thank you! right now I have 16 pageviews. SIXTEEN! AWESOME! *high-five*
It would mean a lot to me if anyone could comment, just anything, to let me know people are actually reading my random babbling. and, just because I was gonna do it anyways so I might as well announce it, the next FIVE commenters all get shout-outs.
IF my friend from Scratch, a website about programming (way more fun then it sounds, trust me) Pizzacatlol happens to be looking at this, I want to say thanks for checking my random babbles out :)
If there ever comes a time when I have more then one comment EVERY DAY..... I will be in a dream. I just love feedback. it's like, some random person comments "hi" and I'm like "Hiiii!!! do you like X-men? how about AJ? maybe Seekers? I like pink and yellow and blue and neon and ranbows and sparkles and giant battles and unicorns and roleplaying and cupcakes!!!!!" blah blah blah. I am obsessed with getting comments, replying, etc.
so that was a short post. I'll just give a fact because I'm bored.
A man once wrote an entire novel without using the letter "E". notice all the highlighted "E"s in that sentence. an entire NOVEL?! I wouldn't last a paragraph.
Please comment, I don't even honestly care that much what you say (although please don't spam up my inbox by commenting "hi" fifty times in a row). I just, as I said, LOVE COMMENTS.

Good morning!

Helloooooooo!!! I'm really happy today. I have no idea why, I swear. *starts singing EVERYTHING IS AWESOME*
on that happy note! :)
On Animal Jam, here's an interesting experiment I tried out- wearing different things on my feet while slashing at a Phantom web in The Phantom Portal. thing is? it worked! I wore my candy cane socks. Nothing special happened, typical.
I almost always wear my special favorite rare glove. it's just so pink, yet fierce, yet cute :)
I started the experiment when I realized that when I swiped, it showed a picture of a pink glove swiping. hmm.
so I took my glove off. and it didn't show a glove. also, I had to swipe more.
so here's what happened. my glove has more swiping more than just normal paws, or paws with nothing special.
BUT! and this is really cool- I decided a gauntlet might work, too, and when I tried my diamond gauntlets on, I swiped with even more force, and the Phantom Web broke in just two swipes.
cool, right? That's why from now on, I will always wear my diamond gauntlets while playing The Phantom Portal.
I HAVE NO MORE WARRIORS BOOKS TO READ :'( I finished all the Special Editions (EXCEPT FOR FIRESTAR'S QUEST, so that's hopeful- but they don't have it at the library!), all the guides, all the books from Into the Wild to The Last Hope, all the Dawn Of The Clans that are out so far, all the Seekers books (I like Lusa, she's so perky), almost all the Survivors books, but I lost interest in those....
until Erin Hunter comes out with the next Dawn of the Clans book, or the next Seekers: Return to the Wild (I think that's what it's called. is that what it's called?) I am GROUNDED of Erin Hunter. so I'm trying to read other books, especially anything by Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson!!! woot woot!!). But none of them are the saaaammmeeeee *wails*
okaaaayyy then. DID YOU KNOW that every year, about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Snow crystals fall from the sky? (that's what I'm shoveling this afternoon, I bet...)
Jayfeather time! :D Jayfeather's Mission 3
poor Jayjay :3


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fact Thursday!

hello, jammers! today is FACT THURSDAY!
did you know that... animals can probably predict natural disasters?
or that.... glass is actually NOT a solid? it's a sort of weird liquid state, I think...
A narwhale actually uses its tusk (the thing that looks like a unicorn horn) to detect changes in the wheather (okay, I know I spelled those wrong... I need to work on meh spelling :3), cool, right?
In Panama, there are trees with SQUARE TRUNKS.
the largest snowflake ever recorded was larger then a Frisbee! (MisterChunkyBuddy also did a fact about the largest ever snowflake, so I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to copy their blog- I saw the fact in a book. I also want to say that their blog is epic!)
in Italy, some artists made a pink stuffed rabbit that was actually big enough to see from space.
in Mexico, some people found a one-eyed shark! CYCLOPES SHARK ATTACK D:
boy mice sing to get a wife- well, what it says scientifically is "Male mice sing to attract potential mates".
this is a painful fact- Duct tape has been used to remove a wart. ouch.
an elephant's tooth can weigh as much as- you won't believe this- a bowling ball!
a fashion designer came up with a fabric made completely (again, you will not believe this) from milk!
Canada's postal code for the North Pole is Hoh Oho (Ho ho ho, Canadians! here are some presents from my magic reindeer-propelled sleigh XD)
Spider silk has been used to make Violin strings- wow!
you can buy SOCKS made from bamboo. wow. wonder how comfortable they are?
one of the world's tiniest lizards can fit on your fingernail. It's called a dwarf gecko.
the dot over the letters i and j is called a tittle.
I just did a troll (or tried to, at least) with one of my buddies on AJ, and my spare account. but it didn't work, because my buddy got bored, no one joined the troll, and my computer froze up.
I went to a fashion show, and it was so fun- mainly because of my buddy and I, who kept being random. my bud sat in a rainbow decoration that the fashion show judge had put in their den and said "I'm a rainbow!" and then I said "this is a fashion show, want to enter?"
"um... I don't think rainbows can enter."
"sure they can"
"meh, why not?"
"if pancakes can enter, rainbows can too!"
that was so funneh :3
I can't wait for Surprise Sunday! it's gonna be awesome!
oh, need a Jayfeather's mission. well, here you go! Jayfeather's REAL mission 2
sorry it's so short, but it's still funny :)


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Black void glitches

Hi, jammers! okay, I already did a post today. I just had to share this glitch that happened to me when I logged on.
ok, I went on, and... err, well, this happened.
see? what happened? I don't know. so I did the only logical thing: I took a screenshot :)
I could read the news and view my buddies list, but I couldn't go to my den or see the map. I couldn't type, and I don't know if anyone could have seen it anyways.
look. #6315? that isn't my name, AJHQ. I think you got it wrong. I bet that's the AJ version of Social Security numbers XD
and where did my bunny go :( I want my epic warrior bunny back
Another glitch a TINY bit like this one happened to me too- twice.
although in THIS glitch, it only happened in the Sky Kingdom den, both times- I can tell from the crystal Mira statue in the center- and I could see all jammers including myself (that is NOT my normal look, guys. I was dressing up) and all items. I asked the owner of the den to switch dens, they did, and the glitch was fixed.
so a special, non-planned post about glitches. have any of you had weird glitch experiences? share them in the comments below!


Code Wednesday Surprise!

Good morning (unless you're reading this at midnight) jammers!
today, I have a surprise: CODE WEDNESDAY! yep. every single Wednesday I'm gonna give a code :D
Pets. the code Pets was in the National Geographic Kids magazine (they founded AJ, in case anyone forgot, which I think some jammers do.....) this month and is worth 500 gems.
so, enter Pets in that little code box and you're almost rich :D
lol okay. fact of the day: Poison dart frogs are about the size of a paper clip, and some species have enough poison to kill TEN grown men, which is why they need their bright colors as a warning to all creatures. "don't step on me, I'm so neon I must be poison"... basically.
okay, I roleplay fight. like, a lot. I don't even know why, it's just... I don't know... addictive.
(btw I just had to delete a whole page of spaces because my cat stepped on the "enter" button :3)
but I have some problems with some fighters, because they walk up and say "kills no miss no nothing".
first of all, it's so quick, boring, and just simply not fun. I mean, the reason I want to fight is because I want to have a big, fair, awesome, fun fight. like a lot of cool, original, awesome moves. instead, they just strike me dead.
it's way not fair. I always listen when they say "nm, no miss, no nothing" and say something like "lands on ground" or whatever. I'm trying to be real, fair, and actually REACT.
but usually, the other person just says "dodges" and beats up on me. ugh. :l
also, this is in CLAN fights. has anyone READ the warrior code? I mean, the "an honorable warrior does not need to kill to win his battles." blah blah blah. in the books, a warrior might be scorned from his Clanmates, gasps of shock rise from the crowd, everyone is shocked and hurt and scarred for life mentally.
instead? your AJ clanmates say "good job" and you all go back to camp.
I'm like, uh, aren't you forgetting something?
yeah. anyways. (don't judge me for my fighting, It's not my fault I'm addicted. ok maybe it is. forget that.)
here's the real mission! I will supply a chapter EVERY SINGLE DAY! here you go!
Jayfeather's REAL mission: chapter one
will SkyClan come back? will they get to ShadowClan? will the medicine cat's chat room freeze up? wait for more chapters. and soon you'll even have GOOD CLIFFHANGERS >:D
Jam on!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

First Post! this is the beginning of epicness :D

Okay everyone, this is my blog, and each daily (almost daily, I MIGHT skip a day, sorry) post will have:
a rant about AJ, and anything else I might want to rant about (I'm Cinderblaze380, Blossom Fireymoon the bunny warrior, lol), a random cool fact, and a link to a chapter of my Jayfeather's Mission story (which is INCREDIBLY random and funny and has about a billion gags).
also, on Mondays I'll tell you what I can find out about the Monday Rare on AJ, on Thursdays I'll give you all a TON of cool facts (did you know goats have rectangular pupils?) and on Sundays I'll post a surprise, like a rare item giveaway, or the winners of the rare item giveaway, or a funny Animal Jam story, or a bunch of pictures I drew in the Art Studio (Coral Canyons) or pretty much anything.
Got all this?

By the way, Jayfeather's Mission stories are called Jayfeather's Real Mission for the sole fact that my first chapter wasn't a real mission. it was just a random pointless first chapter, which I will include here!
On Animal Jam, I love how you can be anything from a wolf pack Alpha to a pet cat (AHH I'M A KITTYPET) to a doctor (and I'm all three- well I'm not the ALPHA in the wolf pack but I'm still in it) and, on some occasions, AT THE SAME TIME. it's just epic.
however, notice how sometimes in Roleplay fights, you can say "Leaps at No miss no dodge no nothing nm nm nm" and the other person says "dodges"? It's like uh.... are you even listening?
I got about... six. yep, I got SIX of the rare pink purses on Monday. if anyone missed Monday, or didn't have enough gems to get one, I'm holding a giveaway on Sunday (okay, ruined the surprise, sorry) so you can just wait a few days to enter.
I read The New Prophecy: Twilight by Erin Hunter (BEST BOOKS EVER) and I was panting and going "AHHHHHHH" and giggling crazily for no reason and so so so so so so so hyper and I IMMEDIATLY grabbed the next book.
does that ever happen to you?
oh, I promised a fact and a chapter. okay. DID YOU KNOW that a beaver's teeth are orange (weird) and never stop growing? they have to chew on wood to wear them down so they don't get too big to handle.
Jayfeather's pretend, pointless first attempt mission: Jayfeather's Mission
Well that was.... long.....
Jam on! ~Hawkfire